General Instructions

  1. Physical appearance of Social workers is strictly prohibited in the trust. Visitors are respectfully advised not to visit and enter the trust physically. They may become online members of the trust by visiting the official website of the trust.
  2. SSSK never accepts money or any other kind of material things donated as charity in the trust. People are advised not to donate such things in the trust.
  3. Kindly don't add Your fake IDs in the list of blood donors. Be mature and responsible. Don't play with the lives of emergency patients.
  4. There is no edit option. For a correction, kindly delete your profile and opt for new registration.
  5. Just after donating your blood, kindly delete your registration by visiting the official website of the trust. Unuseful appearance of your registration profile can create a trouble to the emergency patients. If you are willing for more blood donations then you may opt for new registration.
  6. Unhealthy donors are advised not to donate their blood. Even after repeated warnings if unhealthy donors donate their blood then severe health problems may happen to them.
  7. Blood donation is a Voluntarily free Social Service. Patients and their attendants are advised not to give money or other things to the donors for their blood donation.
  8. Beware of fraud and fake blood banks. All Services of SSSK are free of cost. Blood donated by voluntarily donors may likely be misused by some greedy and irresponsible persons. All social workers are advised to be very careful about their blood donation and not to be a prey of such selfish people. Donors are advised to identify the real patients and have direct links with them. Kindly donate your blood in the government registered blood banks only.
  9. Registration of Blood Donors is valid only for 6 months & it will automatically be deleted after 6 months from the date of registration.
  10. It is the to moral duty of the society to respect and take care of all the donors.