Humanity & Social Service

What is humanity?

Humanity refers to all the basic qualities that are expected to be shown by humans. It refers to caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. It means helping others at times when they need that help the most. It helps us to forget our selfish nature at times when others need our help. Humanity means kindness and compassion towards other beings. The real truth of life is death. Humanity helps us to know the truth of life.

What is Social Service?

Social Service is the duty of a person from birth to death. An individual man goes on from receiving things from society. He is in the debt to his Society. It is his duty to pay up this debt. The debt is so heavy that it can never be fully paid up but social service is a way of giving back to society. Social service is the work that we do for the welfare of our Society. It purifies our mind, heart and soul. It makes us happy and brings peace of mind. There are so many opportunities for social service everwhere. To give food to a hungry man, to raise a fallen man, to take a blind man across a road etc. are examples of social service. These beautiful acts put Sunshine into a dark life.

Who is a Donor?

A person who helps others by giving his own blood, money or other goods is called a donor.

Who is an Acceptor?

A needy person who accepts help from others in order to survive in the society is called an acceptor.

What is a Public Charitable Trust?

A Non-profitable organization that works selflessly for the betterment and happiness of the general public is called a public charitable trust. It works for the welfare of the Society.

Why is Social Service important?

  1. Social Service unites humans.
  2. It purifies our mind, heart and soul.
  3. It brings peace and happiness.
  4. It helps and motivates the poor, needy, hopeless and depressed sections of society.
  5. It reduces crime and helps in the eradication of social evils.
  6. It brings brotherhood among the humans.
  7. It helps to teach kindness, compassion and care for animals and environment.
  8. It teaches us loyalty, honesty and selflessness.
  9. It provides us patience and tolerance.
  10. It teaches us the truth of life.
  11. It reduces pain and stress.
  12. It reduces sins and develops qualities of virtue.

How Can we do Social Service?

Work is Worship. Doing work honestly, properly and diligently is the best way to Worship God. “God helps those who help themselves”. One can help himself by working. Work is the prime objective of life. If we ourselves don't get any benefit of work and if this work benefits another human on the earth then it is worth doing. Then this work deserves applause. We are humans. Helping others is the first and foremost duty of ours. We should help others. That's why work is called divine. An idle man's brain is the devil's workshop. We should keep ourselves busy in our work. Man must work hard to stay away from devil deeds. An unoccupied mind is devil’s home but an occupied mind is the doorway to success, peace and prosperity.

  1. We can serve Our society by doing our duty properly, carefully, honestly and diligently. People who love to do their work with honesty build a good society. Our society can not survive without work of people. So we should work hard with full dedication . It gives satisfaction and happiness to our society.
  2. We should give up all sins. Greed, selfishness, cruelty, conspiracy, dishonesty, corruption, laziness, violence, carelessness, terrorism, drugs addiction, anger, theft, crime etc. are the main sins which eat the vitals of our society and make us weak and hopeless. We should not allow these sins in our life. Disappearance of these sins will help us to make a good and happy society.
  3. We can serve our society in the eradication of social evils. It is our moral duty to contribute in the eradication of social evils from the Society. Social evils are the obstacles in the progress of our society. We may reduce these evils in the following ways:
    1. We Should not indulge in domestic violence, backbiting, fighting, stealing etc. We Should tolerate all talks and should have patience. We should not get angry with others for small misunderstandings.
    2. We should not become a victim of drugs. Smoking, drinking and chewing of tobacco are bad habits. We easily become a prey of these bad habits. They are easy to follow and are very difficult to give up. Parents, and elders should not use these things at homes in front of their children. These drugs increase crime, unconsciousness and health dangers! We should not spend our money on such kind of harmful drugs. We should teach our youth about the bad effects of drugs so that our youth and future may not become a prey of these harmful drugs.
    3. We Should teach our children moral Values.
    4. We should love, respect and tolerate all castes and all religions. We should not become a member of casteism and communalism. We should not fan the fire of riots and hatred in the name of castes and religions.
    5. We should not indulge in crimes and teach others the bad effects of crime. We should make ourselves aware about the causes and results of the crime.
  4. Every drop of blood is a gift of life. We cannot make blood in laboratories. We should donate our blood to save life of patients.
  5. We should help the poor, the needy and the hopeless sections of the society in the following ways:
    1. We should help the thirsty creatures by providing them clean and safe water to drink.
    2. We should give food to the hungry creatures of the society. We should donate it with full respect and love.
    3. We should donate clothes, shoes, sandals and slippers to the poor and needy sections of the society.
    4. Millions of people in our society are homeless. They don’t have shelter to live in. We should encourage and motivate them to struggle and not to lose heart in their life. We should help them in the construction of their homes. We Should donate them construction materials like Bricks, Cement, Iron, Doors, windows, Concrete etc.
    5. We should take care of old and differently abled sections of the society.
    6. We should be polite in our speech and action.
    7. We should not use abusive words in our conversations.
    8. We should help the poor students by donating them books, notebooks, tuition fee, uniform, bus fare, bags etc.
    9. We should not spend large amount of money in our birthday parties, marriages and special functions. Such useless spending may put us in great debts and may become a cause of depression and unhappiness for us in our future. We should control our desires and luxuries. We should not spend our wealth in buying expensive chocolates, scents, cakes and wines. On Such lucky occasions, we should donate food, clothes, shoes and other useful things to the needy and the poor.
    10. We should help the patients by providing them meals, medicines and other basic needs.
    11. Don't run away from the accident spots. Help the accident victims and try to get medical assistance to the injured.
    12. We should serve our society by providing basic public facilitide such as safe drinking water, making of streets, walkways etc.
  6. We Should not damage government property and Should take care of our environment.
  7. We should keep, all public places, trains and buses neat and clean.
  8. We should use all Government Facilities properly, Carefully and honestly.
  9. We Should Serve the Society voluntarily and selflessly.
  10. We should restrict ourselves from activities which are harmful for our society. We should not do anything which will create a situation of conflict in our society.
  11. We should cooperate in maintaining law and order on our society.
  12. We should use all natural resources with great care.
  13. We Should purify our mind and heart. We should spare time to pray to God.
  14. We should spread peace and happiness in our society.